Development kit for adventures, interactive CD-ROMs and presentations.
Copyright �1998 by APC&TCP. All rights reserved.
Written by Eckhard Ludwig
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coming soon
Adventureshop is a specialized authoring system for the development of multimedia
applications and high quality adventures.
You can create complexe programs in a short time with an intuitive user interface.
There is no need of any coding knowledge!
Rolling presentations:
In a rolling presentation you can view pictures and animations provided with
music and voice. You can define breaks and picture interim effects.
You build presentations with a editor which looks like the very popular
Listeditor window
FX setup window
Interactive presentations:
With Adventureshop 3.0 you can make interactive presentations for CDROMs for example.
From such a user interface you can start programs.
Espescially Myst-like adventures are very easy to build with Adventureshop.
As the player you navigate your figure via mouse clicks through the landscape.
Also the complete game control happens with the mouse. Walking through the area,
taking objects, pulling
Editor window
- Create programs only with your mouse with an intiutive user interface
- Interactive development, place images/anims/sounds and see how it looks finally in your program (What you see is what you get)
- Create programs "step by step" and add images/anims/sounds later. Different
programers can build independet several levels for the same game!
- Many features are already in the program and you can add more features later easily:
Save/Load game, Inventary, Snapshot, picture gallery, help requesters, about and so on.
- Support for graphic boards and AGA, all screenmodes.
- optional sound boards support via AHI
- Games are system conforming with 100% multitasking
- There are locale files in German and English for the program editor. More languages will be supported soon.
- Bubble help and Amigaguide hypertext help
- You can create local files for your games, too (English + German)
- Graphic formats: IFF ILBM and IFF Adventureshop
(build-in convert proram)
- anim formats: IFF ILBM, YAFA
- sound formats: 8SVX mono, MOD, MED & AIFF/WAVE Mono/Stereo.
System requirements for Adventureshop projects:
- Min. requirements:
- Amiga 1200/4000, 4MB Fastram,
- CD32 WITH 4MB Fastram
- all Amigas, 68020+ and graphic boards, 8MB FAST-RAM
- Recommended:
- 68030+, graphic boards, 16MB FAST-RAM, 4x CD-ROM
For Adventureshop 68040+, 16MB FAST-RAM and graphic board is recommended.
Overview Adventureshop:
Available objectsjekte per location (adventures) or per picture (presentations)
Background images
- IFF picture or any frame of an IFF-animation.
- IFF ILBM and special format IFF Adventureshop are supported
- Screenmode:
- Min. 320x200 pixel,
- Max. 1120x960 pixel.
The screenmode is the same for all background images.
- Colours:
- 8 - 256 colours.
You can change the colours at any time in a project to reach a higher speed.
- Max. 2 independent animation objects per location
- Format:
- Object1: IFF Brushanim, YAFA, optional QT and AVI
- Object2: IFF Brushanim
Framerate by brushanimations 7, 14, 21 frames/sec or single frame presentation,
by YAFA any framerate (highhest framerate is dependent from your hardware)
- Colours:
- Brushanimation: 8 - 256 colours
- YAFA: 8-256 colours, intro animations until 24bit
- Size:
- Brushanimations until ca. 320x200 pixel for animations placed in the background
, otherwise full screen.
- YAFA until ca. 320x200 pixel for animations placed in the background
, otherwise full screen over 2x2 zoom (160x120 pixel are playable in fullscreen with 640x480 background format).
- Lenght:
- Brushanimations: lenght limited, animation will be preloaded in RAM
- YAFA: unlimite length of animations, will be played directly from disc
- 2 independent sound objects, 5 different sounds for switches (Buttons)
Formats:IFF Mono 8bit until 28KHz, MAUD, AIFF, WAVE Mono/Stereo 8/16bit until 48KHz
- AHI-playback is possible for the most features of sound objects
- 5 defined switches, 4 free definable switch objects (buttons),
more than 100 switch objects per location.
- Especially for presentations and interactice applications you can start extern programs
You can chosse Amiga DOS commands, Amiga
DOS scripts, Workbenchstart, Arexx commands and Arexx scripts.
- Nearly 100 programs can be started per screen (location).
Adventureshop demo version
The freeware adventure Das Tor Der Minerva
is complety developed with Adventureshop 2.0.
Because the game has more than 90MB you can�t download the game.
On our CDROM
it is completely published.
You can download a patch to update the program for Adventureshop 3.0 here:
Minerva Update
A demo version of Adventureshop 3.0 will be released on our CDROM
APC&TCP Vol.6 .
You can download the demo version from ouf Homepage in a few weeks, too.